Vážení návštěvníci, výstava květin je součástí reprezentačního přízemí prohlídkové trasy do pondělí 10. února 2025. V době konání výstavy je otevřeno denně. Doporučujeme nákup on-line vstupenek.
Následovníci Adolfa Loose / Adolf Loos Followers
Virtuální prohlídka výstavy / virtual tour of the exhibition
Titul | Adolf Loos | Felix Augenfeld | Friedrich Ehrmann | Paul Engelmann | Jacques Groag | Alfons Hetmanek | Heinrich Kulka | Karel Lhota | Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky | Walter Sobotka | Kurt Unger | Jan Víšek | Rudolf Wels | Ernst Wiesner
Felix Augenfeld
Felix Augenfeld studoval na Technische Hochschule ve Vídni u Karla Königa a Maxe von Ferstela. Když Adolf Loos otevřel svou soukromou školu, zaregistroval se jako jeden z prvních žáků. „Tehdy to byla malá skupina studentů. Jasně si pamatuji následující: Richard Neutra, Rudolph Schindler, Paul Engelmann, …Ernst Freud, nejmladší syn Sigmunda Freuda. S Neutrou a Freudem jsem se velmi spřátelil. Pro tuto malou pracovní skupinu nebylo možné použít slovo „škola“, ani slovo „práce“. Byl to jakýsi seminář, volné uskupení sjednocené společným duchem. Nesetkávali jsem se v posluchárně nebo v atelieru, ale na improvizovaných procházkách nebo u kulatých stolů ve městě, v Kartnerbaru (zařízeným Loosem), v kabaretech a nočních klubech, ve skladech mramoru a v bytech, na jejichž interiérech Loos pracoval. |
Felix Augenfeld studied at the Technical College in Vienna under Karl König and Max von Ferstel. When Adolf Loos opened his private school, he registered as one of the first students. "It was a small group of students back then. I clearly remember the following: Richard Neutra, Rudolph Schindler, Paul Engelmann and Ernst Freud, the youngest son of Sigmund Freud. I became very friendly with Neutra and Freud. It was not possible to use the word "school" or the word "work" for this small working group. It was a kind of seminar, a free group united by a common spirit. We did not meet in the auditorium or in the studio, but on makeshift walks or at round tables in the city, in the Kärtnerbar (furnished by Loos), in cabarets and nightclubs, in marble warehouses and in the apartments whose interiors Loos worked on. The lessons were basically discussions, mostly critical or polemical, especially against Josef Hofmann and the ornamental work of the Wiener Werkstätte. Evil tongues claimed that Loos's hostility to Josef Hofmann came from a time when he sat with him at the same school desk in Brno. “In my memory, Loos was an elegant, original bohemian at the time, with a somewhat eccentric demeanour. He never wanted to be considered an "expert" and was proud to be the only architect who never had a pencil in his pocket. At the time, I didn't know he had a real working office. There were no registration formalities, exams or certificates at his school of course.” In 1922, Augenfeld, together with his friend and classmate Karel Hoffman, opened a studio. It worked until 1938. In 1931 he worked as a set designer and theatre architect in Vienna and London together with Oskar Strnad. At the instigation of Sigmund Freud’s daughter, he designed a working chair for Freud. Felix Augenfeld emigrated to London in 1938 and then to the USA the following year, where he established his own practice. He worked mainly as an interior and furniture designer. |